Monday, 31 August 2015

Steeped in Mystery Is Devotion – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wisdom by Spiritual leader and Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Deepening the mystery of the Self is spirituality.- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar states:
One who is not amazed by the magnificence of this Creation, his eyes are not yet opened. Once your eyes are open, they close and this is called meditation. (Laughter)
Tell me, what in this Creation? Is it not a mystery? Birth is a mystery; death is a mystery. If both birth and death are mysterious, then life is certainly a greater mystery. Isn't it?
Being completely immersed in the mystery of Life and this Creation is Samadhi. Your knowing or believing doesn't really matter to what Is.
This Creation is an unfathomable secret, and its mysteries only deepen. Getting steeped inmystery is Devotion.
The "Scene" is a mystery; the "Seer" is a mystery. Deepening the mystery of Creation is science.  They are the two sides of the same coin. If neither Science nor Spirituality can create wonder and devotion in you, then you are in deep slumber.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Three Kinds of Devotees – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

All three are different kinds of devotees, and yet all three are supreme.- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar states:
The first kind is a devotee who keeps asking, ‘God give me this’, ‘God give me that.’

The second kind is a devotee who is always grateful, ‘Thank you God, you gave me this and you gave me that’; a devotee who is emotional, prayerful and keeps crying out of gratitude.

The third kind is a devotee who always remains joyful, keeps smiling, dancing and singing; a joyful devotee.

All three are different kinds ofdevotees, and yet all three are supreme. It is not that one is greater than another – that is not so.

So there is, a crying devotee, a laughing devotee, and a devotee who keeps asking – which category are you in, you can see that for yourself.

It is possible that a little of all three may be there in you. That also is okay. Then that would be the fourth kind of devotee – one who has a little bit of all the three present.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Dispassion and Enthusiasm : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wisdom by Spiritual leader and Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

When dispassion and enthusiasm co-exist, that is the secret of perennial enthusiasm and profound dispassion.- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

What is enthusiasm? Enthusiasm means to be connected to God within. When you are with your source, you can only be enthusiastic.
 Apathy is when you are away from the source of life.
You cannot be but enthusiastic when your mind is totally in the present moment.
You should know that dispassion is not apathy. It is simply a broader perspective of reality.
Dispassion is moving towards the source.
Dispassion simply means the way back home. It is the journey towards the source, which is a reservoir of enthusiasm.
When dispassion and enthusiasm co-exist, that is the secret of perennial enthusiasm and profound dispassion. Though they appear to be opposite, they are actually complementary.

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Glory With Dispassion : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

“True dispassion is oblivious to glory.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares that:
It is often believed that glory and dispassion are contradictory and cannot co-exist. Glory and luxury without dispassion is a nauseating pomp and show. Such glory does not bring fulfillment for anyone. It is shallow. Alternately, the dispassion that is afraid of glory is weak.
The glory that comes with dispassion is something that is true, that is permanent and authentic. When someone runs after glory they are shallow. Like movie stars, politicians and religious leaders who try to hold on to their status, to their glory, they are certain to lose.
If you run after glory all you get is misery. When you are dispassionate, glory comes to you.
If you are afraid of glory, that means you are not well-founded in dispassion. In India, the Sadhus run away from glory. They think they will lose their dispassion and get trapped in the web of the world, the circus. The dispassion is so blissful, they get attached to the dispassion. (laughter)
They are afraid of losing the dispassion, the centeredness and bliss that comes along with it. This is weak dispassion. Dispassion is a state of being and glory is the happening around it. True dispassion can never be lost or overshadowed by glory. True dispassion is glorious! Real glory is true dispassion!

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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Questions & Answers 5 : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Q: Did Lord Ram and Devi Sita really exist?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Yes, I know that they did exist. It was seven and a half thousand years ago. Recently, scientists through some of their research have confirmed that it (Ramayana) really did happen.
You know, any story which is a lie cannot stay for a very long time. At one point of time, the entire world was very influenced by Ramayana. Not just in India, but in the entire Far East including Japan, South America, North America and in Europe there are places named after Rama. If you do a research, you will know that this was not just fiction but a happening long time ago.

This is why it is called tihasa (history). There are two things in the Vedic literature. One is Puranas, which is a story (fiction), and the other is itihasa (history). Iti means so and hasa means a happening. So, both the epics, Ramayana and Mahabharatha are itihasa.

Q: Gurudev, please throw some light on inter-caste marriages. One of my friends is in love with a Muslim girl. Do we really need to follow the caste system in marriages?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
See, there are good and badpeople everywhere. Many times there are fears that someone should not deceive the other person after the marriage is done. That is why you should also listen to your parents and consult them in such delicate matters.
When you fall in love, you sometimes become blind, and you don't think clearly. You are not able to see what is right and what is wrong. So in such sensitive matters, you should also take the advice of your mother and father.
Regardless of the caste or religious background one may come from, if a person is good at heart and has good qualities, then that has much more importance over other aspects. If someone belongs to the same caste and religions background but indulges in wrong activities, or is addicted to alcohol, etc., then what is the use of such a marriage? So the first thing you should see is that the person is good by nature and comes from a noble and respectable background.
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