Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Some Thoughts on Our Planet

“Care for the Planet and the planet will care for you.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

With World Environment Day round the corner, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares his views on the planet and its upkeep.

“Life can only come out of life and only life can sustain life. Our environment is our first body, followed by the physical body and the mind, the mental sheath. We have to cater to all the three levels. The Earth changes constantly, but what humankind has done with the environment is unfortunate. Earthquakes, tsunami, and all these disasters are a result of this. If we don’t care for the environment and take care of our planet, it will create more and more challenges for us.”
“Environment consciousness is in built in the human system. Historically, nature (or prakriti) has always been adored in the ancient traditions of the world; mountains, rivers, the sun, the moon, the trees have always been honored. It’s only when we start moving away from nature that we start polluting nature. We need to revive the ancient practice of honoring and conserving nature.”
“The popular belief is that damage to ecology is an inevitable byproduct of technological progress. But it is not necessarily so; in fact, a sustainable growth is assured only if the ecology is protected. Science and technology should not be regarded as anti-environment; rather, we need to find ways of maintaining harmony in environment while progressing in science and technology. This is the biggest challenge of this century.”
“Sustainable development is that which keeps in mind the long-term effects and benefits of any program. Ravaging natural resources without a long-term vision will destroy the ecology, which is the very source of life. The purpose of development should be to support and sustain life. With the bigger picture in mind, all development plans will factor in the ecology, sociology and psychology. Then the very process of development becomes a conscious endeavour to preserve the planet and its resources.”
“Just observe nature; the five elements of nature are opposed to each other. Water destroys fire, fire destroys air. Then there are so many species in nature - the birds, reptiles, mammals; all these different species are hostile towards each other and yet nature balances them out. We need to learn how Nature digests waste material and produces something more beautiful. Destroying the environment, cutting down trees, dumping toxic waste, using non-recyclable materials is a crime against the environment.”
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says:
“Who can stop polluting the earth? Someone who is aware, someone who respects the earth. Respecting the earth needs a big heart, respecting inanimate objects needs a greater heart. Only when one can respect human beings can one respect animals and then material objects. A certain level of awareness, certain level of awakening is essential for this to happen.”
“It is basically insensitivity that makes a person act callously towards environment. If a person is sensitive, he will nurture environment, thereby eradicating pollution. We need to attend to the human psyche which causes pollution, whether physical or emotional. If compassion and care are kindled within the self, they reflect in the environment, a sense of sacredness follows. People should be encouraged to treat the planet as sacred, to treat trees and rivers as sacred, to treat people as sacred, and to see God in nature and in people. This will foster sensitivity; and a sensitive person can’t but care for nature. The health of our planet is of utmost importance.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a spiritual leader and founder of humanitarian organization Art of Living.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says :  Every child is nothing but a bundle of joy!

Just remember, when we were kids what we used to do? We used to shout, play and enjoy, but as we grow up, somewhere, we lose that joy. A child smiles 400 times a day.

When a child grows up and becomes an adolescent, he smiles only 17 times a day, and when he becomes an adult, he smiles occasionally and that too when someone smiles.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar asks : How do we reverse this? How do we get back to the innocence we were born with? How to smile back again? This is the quest.

So if you look at it, there are three things that stops us from being joyful like a child. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar lists these as:

1. Prejudice

2. Insecurity

3. Stress

Stress is wanting to do a lot but having no energy and no time.

Stress we can eliminate by making using of the breath.

There are number of breathing techniques that help us relax and get back a lot of energy.
Now, either you have to reduce your needs or increase your energy. In these two things, what is most practical is not reducing your needs but increasing your energy levels.

So breathing exercises, pranayama, meditation, yoga, all these increase the energy level in a short time of 15 to 20 minutes. If we relax consciously through meditation, it raises our energy levels equivalent to 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
Relaxation that you get from sleep is dull relaxation. Another kind of relaxation is conscious relaxation. That relaxation brings your energy levels higher. That is called meditation.
Second is to get rid of prejudice.

There are many types of prejudice. There is prejudice between generations. Young people will not sit and share their heart out with senior citizens. There is a generation gap. You find this all over the world. People of certain age groups only stay together and talk together. They don’t open up and mix with elders or people younger than them.
There is prejudice about class, and about gender,  religion, culture, language, and so on.

Wisdom is to rise above prejudice and see the whole world as one family.
If this idea of the whole world as one family comes, there will be no war, no crime and none of the problems that we are facing in the world today. See how many people are being killed. There is so much violence in the world. This is all because of lack of a broad vision and wisdom.
Third is insecurity. Insecurity of what? 'Oh, there is nobody for me. Who will take care of me?'
I tell you, there is so much love and compassion on this planet, and there is a higher power which is all love and it will give us what we need when we need.
If you look at your own life, in the past, how many times have you felt insecure? See how that time has passed and how complete you are today. If you turn back and see, then all those moments you have spent feeling insecure, appears to be such a waste of time, isn't it? How many days you spent in a gloomy mood?

It looks like such a waste of time and energy, and not only that, it created toxins in your body. Your health gets disturbed by a feeling of insecurity.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar lists three things you must do to remove feelings of  Insecutity:

1. Look back in the past and see that it was futile feeling insecure.

2. Know that there are good people on this planet. They will always come to your help.

3. There is a power which is going to guide you and help you out

So with this wisdom and understanding, get over insecurity.
Once you have gotten over stress, gotten over insecurity and you have overcome prejudice, then you are like a child, full of joy, and happiness simply wells. It was already there, it is covered by these three things and once you removed all these three things, it becomes obvious.

2. With wisdom, get over prejudice,

3. Reflecting on your own life and having the confidence and faith, get over insecurity.

Monday, 27 July 2015


Q: Guruji when I am angry I cannot control myself but later I feel bad that I have said something to someone. Right now when my mother was telling me to ask a question I was angry but as soon as I saw you, it vanished. What should I do to control anger?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You mean to say the switch of your anger changes when you see me! Ok then keep on looking at me.

Q: Guruji, what's your opinion on school?

Sri Sri: Usually, in a school, if you have learnt and you pass, you leave the school and you move on. This is such a school that if someone passes over here, they stay forever. It is very interesting. One who passes in this school will not leave but will stay on.

Q: Why do women wear makeup?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: They are made­up like that! Well, by women using makeup, so many people are getting employment, and the whole industry is thriving even in the dark economic days. When the economy goes down, one industry keeps itself up, that is makeup! That makes it up for everything.

Q: Guruji how can I eliminate conflict with my wife. I want to make her happy at the same time cannot agree to everything she says. Can you help?

Sri Sri: Why do you want a bland life? Life should be spicy, interesting. Its absolutely ok to fight! You just tell yourself, today let her scream, I am not going to get angry on her. You stand like a rock and keep smiling. See how things turn around. Just one day you do that, and you will see you are so potent to end a conflict or may be begin a new one!

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a Spiritual Guru and founder of the humanitarian organization Art of Living.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge is limited, wisdom is universal. However, during a satsang Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gave a deep insight into the difference and similarity between knowledge and wisdom -

‘Gurudev, what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?’

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

‘It is we who give meaning to words and definitions. So it is up to you; if you think knowledge is information and wisdom is to integrate it in life, then that is one way to look at it. Some people don’t see any difference between knowledge and wisdom.’

When a great spiritual master such as Ambassador of Peace, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gives knowledge, it is wisdom. When he gives wisdom, it is knowledge.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Commentary on the Shiva Sutras 5 - 8

A sutra is like a capsule – it compresses great depth in just 2 or 3 words. Among the ancient scriptures, the Shiva Sutras hold great value for seekers as it conveys deep spiritual truths. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar conjures up the image of a kite to describe the Shiva Sutras. He says:

“A kite needs a string in order to fly through the sky. In a similar way, Shiva Sutras offer threads to uplift our mind. The Shiva Sutras describe the goal of life as radiating the light of inner joy. Each sutra is complete, offering us a way to go deeper into our own nature, which is joy.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar provides the essence of the firfth Sutra “Udyamo Bhairava” thus:

“”Udyamo” means effort; “bhairava” means he who nourishes and creates fullness. When you invest 100 per cent of your energy in any action, there is no regret, fear or anxiety. The mind experiences completeness; turns inward and becomes peaceful.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains the sixth Sutra - “Shakti chakra sandhane vishvasamharah” in the following manner:

“When you direct your attention to the energy centres of the body, the world of worries and thoughts that trouble your mind will disappear. There will be peace.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar introduces us to the seventh Sutra “Jagrat svapna susuptabhede turyabhogasambhavah”:

“The three states of consciousness are the awakened state, the dream state and the state of deep sleep. Only when one distinguishes between these states, can one experience the fourth state. It is the state where the mind is awake though the body is resting.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains the eighth sutra “Jnanam Jagratah” thus -

“The knowledge of the external world is available only in the waking state. Although the eyes are open and the ears listening, the mind is somewhere else. Such a state is not the waking state.”

It is important to comtemplate each sutra...give the wisdom time to digest, assimilate and become part of your life experience.

We shall continue this series of Shiva Sutras as commented by Spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. But first we give you time to slowly mull over these four sutras until you are ready to move on to the next!

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

YOUR BODY IS A PRECIOUS GIFT: Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

World renowned spiritual leader and founder of Art of Living, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has a magical way of making you take a second look at what you took completely for granted. He makes you relook at the familiar with renewed interest. Looking at the world through Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's eyes you begin to see everything with wonder, awe, respect, love and gratitude.
And he makes you feel that way about something you may not have even looked at with much regard: your body.
You may not have the best figure or height or looks. You may be what others keeping reminding you - “too tall” or “like a stick” or like a “pudding” or “way too short”! Yet Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has a magical way of taking you by the hand, guiding you to the mirror of your Self and making you fall in love with yourself once again!
Has anyone ever told you that “Your body is a precious gift”? Well, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar does. He says:
“Your body is a precious gift to you by Mother Nature. Respect your body.”
Have you ever thought just how precious your body is? What is it about your body that makes it so valuable?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tells us:
“Your body is capable of inviting God. Your body is a temple in which Divinity can enter and reside. Therefore, keep it healthy, transform it and just light a lamp in it. That is enough for the Divine to come and reside in it.”
Isn't that a beautiful way to look at your body? It is unique. It is beautiful just as it is. It is a fitting abode for God!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar takes this one step further, he says, “The Body is the Divine’s most precious abode”!
Makes you wonder?
I leave you to ponder over these words of wisdom by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: “What is there in your body? It is Divine’s altar. Spread the altar of smile and light the lamp of knowledge and invite “anandakanda”, the child of bliss in your body. If the son of Nanda has to come to you, light is necessary, the altar of smile is necessary.”
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, apart from playing a decisive role in enhancing global peace has also played a vital role in changing popular misconceptions through his satsangs or wisdom talks. This excerpt is from one such talk that helps people to appreciate and love their bodies the way they are.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Love can only blossom when there is freedom

Love can only blossom in freedom. When freedom is restricted, love suffocates. You need to be free. Often love stifles. When you are in love or when you love somebody, you feel stifled because you are obliged. When there are so many obligations that you need to fulfil, then these obligations become like a load on your head and you get the added responsibility not to hurt the people you love and who love you. In a subtle sense, this takes the freedom away and slowly demands start arising in you. The moment demand arises in you, know that love is on its death-bed. Love is in an oxygen chamber and it doesn’t live very long.

Demand destroys love. Freedom is essential.

A lover is beyond all rules. There is no rule on how to express your love. All expressions are a spontaneous outburst of love and love finds its own expressions – you cannot streamline it. Your eyes cannot hide the love, your gestures cannot hide the love, and your steps cannot hide the love. Love flows in all your expressions, in your behaviour, in your alertness, in your walk, in your talk, in your whole life.

One thing you can never fully hide is love. You can hide anger to a great extent, you can eat anger inside you, and you can put a big smile on your face. People may not notice your anger, your vengeance – but you cannot hide love. It comes flooding from your eyes, your smile and your gestures. There are no rules on how to express love, because when you are in love, you cannot make a mistake. A lover is beyond all rules, beyond all scriptures, beyond all theories and philosophies.

If you don´t follow certain codes of conduct, there is a possibility that you will fall out of that love. Anyatha patitya ashankaya – there is the possibility to fall off the knowledge, off the path of love. So just follow and stick to these rules. This is very, very beautiful. No doubt you need freedom to blossom in love, but in turn love brings freedom in all situations, all circumstances. Nothing will be stifling, nothing will be bonding to you, and nothing will restrict you, your freedom, in the true sense of love. Are you getting what I am saying?

When you are in love, nothing is a burden to you. When nothing is a burden, how can anything take away the freedom from you? You lose freedom when something is a burden to you. So love in turn brings that freedom. When a rule is imposed on you by someone else, then it is restricting to you. But when you have taken a rule on yourself, on your own, it is not any restriction, it is not suffocating to you. Like when you take on the rule of driving on the right side of the road, then that is it.

Discipline (rules) bring more freedom to us although, on the surface, it appears to restrict freedom. But if you go a little deeper, you will see that your own rules, your own disciplines bring you freedom. Though you are beyond all discipline, yet it is good to have your own discipline. Though it doesn’t matter to you what you do, when you rise, what you eat etc., it is better to have a certain discipline because that gives you such freedom.