Thursday, 23 July 2015

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Commentary on the Shiva Sutras 5 - 8

A sutra is like a capsule – it compresses great depth in just 2 or 3 words. Among the ancient scriptures, the Shiva Sutras hold great value for seekers as it conveys deep spiritual truths. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar conjures up the image of a kite to describe the Shiva Sutras. He says:

“A kite needs a string in order to fly through the sky. In a similar way, Shiva Sutras offer threads to uplift our mind. The Shiva Sutras describe the goal of life as radiating the light of inner joy. Each sutra is complete, offering us a way to go deeper into our own nature, which is joy.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar provides the essence of the firfth Sutra “Udyamo Bhairava” thus:

“”Udyamo” means effort; “bhairava” means he who nourishes and creates fullness. When you invest 100 per cent of your energy in any action, there is no regret, fear or anxiety. The mind experiences completeness; turns inward and becomes peaceful.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains the sixth Sutra - “Shakti chakra sandhane vishvasamharah” in the following manner:

“When you direct your attention to the energy centres of the body, the world of worries and thoughts that trouble your mind will disappear. There will be peace.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar introduces us to the seventh Sutra “Jagrat svapna susuptabhede turyabhogasambhavah”:

“The three states of consciousness are the awakened state, the dream state and the state of deep sleep. Only when one distinguishes between these states, can one experience the fourth state. It is the state where the mind is awake though the body is resting.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains the eighth sutra “Jnanam Jagratah” thus -

“The knowledge of the external world is available only in the waking state. Although the eyes are open and the ears listening, the mind is somewhere else. Such a state is not the waking state.”

It is important to comtemplate each sutra...give the wisdom time to digest, assimilate and become part of your life experience.

We shall continue this series of Shiva Sutras as commented by Spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. But first we give you time to slowly mull over these four sutras until you are ready to move on to the next!

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